Noah Lee

National STEM Challenge Finalist | Complex 2D Crystalline Materials Researcher | Island Lab

Noah Lee

National STEM Challenge Finalist | Complex 2D Crystalline Materials Researcher | Island Lab



Noah Lee, bringing two years of specialized research experience, focuses on Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mechanical engineering, and semiconductors. His expertise includes investigating the optical properties of complex crystalline materials. With hands-on experience in advanced techniques like Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), etching, and Reflective Spectroscopy, as well as proficiency in machine learning and microcontroller technologies, Noah offers invaluable mentorship. As a YRI mentor, Noah guides experimental design, optical characterization, and the application of cutting-edge technologies in material science. Noah’s mentorship aims to foster technical skills, innovative thinking, and effective research strategies among students.

Noah Lee, bringing two years of specialized research experience, focuses on Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mechanical engineering, and semiconductors. His expertise includes investigating the optical properties of complex crystalline materials. With hands-on experience in advanced techniques like Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), etching, and Reflective Spectroscopy, as well as proficiency in machine learning and microcontroller technologies, Noah offers invaluable mentorship. As a YRI mentor, Noah guides experimental design, optical characterization, and the application of cutting-edge technologies in material science. Noah’s mentorship aims to foster technical skills, innovative thinking, and effective research strategies among students.