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Youth Research Initiative

Inspiring the next generation of scientists, leaders, and innovators

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About Us

We Are A Group of Passionate Student Researchers

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Students Impacted

We Inspire

Through advocacy at schools and outreach at the grassroots-level, we inspire students to solve the world's largest problems through research and STEM.

We Unlock Pathways

We aim to make the pathways to the world's largest research competitions and symposiums easy and accessible to every student, regardless of age, race, or gender.

We Empower

We empower students to do paradigm-shifting research by providing one-on-one personalized guidance.

Join The Initiative!

Become a Youth Ambassador!

Take action and join our Youth Ambassadorship program! Present Project Inspire at a local school and inspire thousands of students. Inspire like-minded leaders to join our cause and cause global change through grassroots action!


Become a Chapter Leader!

Chapter leaders pledge to bring youth research to their communities and organize YRI-affiliated events in their area. They also work with local Ambassadors. Join us and make a change in your community!


Donate to the Initiative

If you want to contribute to our cause, we would appreciate a donation! As a nonprofit, your proceeds will go towards furthering youth research and helping underprivileged kids make a difference in the world.


Join the Community.